The hypercube Qn is one of the most popular interconnection networks with high symmetry. To reduce the diameter of Qn, many variants of Qn have been proposed, such as the n-dimensional locally twisted cube LTQn. To further optimize the diameter of LTQn, the n-dimensional folded locally twisted cube FLTQn is proposed, which is built based on LTQn by adding 2n−1 complementary edges. Connectivity is an important indicator to measure the fault tolerance and reliability of a network. However, the connectivity has an obvious shortcoming, in that it assumes all the adjacent vertices of a vertex will fail at the same time. Super-connectivity is a more refined index to judge the fault tolerance of a network, which ensures that each vertex has at least one neighbor. In this paper, we show that the super-connectivity κ(1)(FLTQn)=2n for any integer n≥6, which is about twice κ(FLTQn).