Ginger plants have recently been in the spotlight of businesspeople in Indonesia. Ginger has a myriad of benefits. Besides being used for cooking spices, ginger can also boost the body’s immune system. Along with the inventions of the benefits of ginger plants, many people are interested in getting into the Ginger plants, many people are interested in getting into the ginger commodity business. This study aims to determine the prospect of a ginger commodity in West Sumatra in terms of two aspects, opportunity and threats. This research is conducted by a qualitative descriptive method using a literature study. The opportunity aspect shows five results. There is support from the West Sumatra government for ginger consumption, the increase of ginger price in Dharmasraya Regency, especially on red ginger. Ginger is one of the leading commodities in the Pesisir Selatan Regency. Helping to increase people’s income in the City/Regency in west Sumatra Province, and areas with a surplus of ginger production can be suppliers of ginger to other areas in West Sumatra Province. And from the threat aspect, the presence of domestically imported ginger affects the price of ginger in traditional markets, which tend to decline. The prospector business continuity of the ginger plant commodity in West Sumatra will last for a relatively long time because of the need for ginger commodity business is closely related to the price, production, and demand for both household and non-household consumption ginger needs in West Sumatra.