“…Social incubators, specifically follow the same characteristics of incubators in general, however, these have a greater focus on social contributions (Guimarães, Maciel & Eidelwein, 2007;Nicolopoulou et al, 2017) as the encouragement "growth and continuity of companies employing people with low employment capacities" (Aernoudt, p. 129, 2004), such as "disabled people, minimum guaranteed income beneficiaries, lowskilled workers, long-term unemployed, immigrants, political refugees" (p. 129). Similarly to traditional incubators, social incubators also assist new social businesses, such as funding (Hmayed et al, 2015) and networking development (Marconatto et al, 2019). However, unlike traditional incubators that seek to maximize economic development, social incubators assist in the development and spread of social innovation, focusing on social value creation as the main result (Nicolopoulou et al, 2017).…”