Abstract. For an oriented irreducible 3-manifold M with non-empty toroidal boundary, we describe how sutured Floer homology (SFH ) can be used to determine all fibred classes in H 1 (M ). Furthermore, we show that the SFH of a balanced sutured manifold (M, γ) detects which classes in H 1 (M ) admit a taut depth one foliation such that the only compact leaves are the components of R(γ). The latter had been proved earlier by the first author under the extra assumption that H 2 (M ) = 0. The main technical result is that we can obtain an extremal Spin c -structure s (i.e., one that is in a 'corner' of the support of SFH ) via a nice and taut sutured manifold decomposition even when H 2 (M ) = 0, assuming the corresponding group SF H(M, γ, s) has non-trivial Euler characteristic.