Abstract. We define the dimension 2g − 1 Faber-Hurwitz Chow/homology classes on the moduli space of curves, parametrizing curves expressible as branched covers of P 1 with given ramification over ∞ and sufficiently many fixed ramification points elsewhere. Degeneration of the target and judicious localization expresses such classes in terms of localization trees weighted by "top intersections" of tautological classes and genus 0 double Hurwitz numbers. This identity of generating series can be inverted, yielding a "combinatorialization" of top intersections of ψ-classes. As genus 0 double Hurwitz numbers with at most 3 parts over ∞ are well understood, we obtain Faber's Intersection Number Conjecture for up to 3 parts, and an approach to the Conjecture in general (bypassing the Virasoro Conjecture). We also recover other geometric results in a unified manner, including Looijenga's theorem, the socle theorem for curves with rational tails, and the hyperelliptic locus in terms of κg−2.
Part 1. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY OF RESULTSSince we shall be using arguments from geometry and combinatorics, we have separated the material into three parts to assist the reader. Part 1 gives the background to the topic and a summary of our results. Part 2 contains the geometry that uses degeneration to obtain a recursion for the Faber-Hurwitz classes, and localization to express these as tree sums involving the Faber symbol. Part 3 contains an approach through algebraic combinatorics to transform and then solve the formal partial differential equations and functional equations that originate from degeneration and localization in Part 2 and thence to obtain the top intersection numbers. We have sought to make the transition from the geometry of Part 2 to the combinatorics of Part 3 pellucid.
Summary of resultsThe purpose of this paper is to give a geometrico-combinatorial approach that is direct and, we hope, enlightening, to the three known results that are listed below. We give a summary of results for those quite familiar with moduli spaces of curves, and Faber's foundational conjectures on their cohomology or Chow rings. A more detailed introduction to the paper is given in Section 2, and most readers should turn immediately to this.The three results are:is generated by a single element, which we denote G g,1 (Theorem 3.12). This argument was promised in [GV3, Sec. 5.7]. (Since R 2g−1 (M g ) was shown earlier by Faber to be non-zero [F1, Thm. 2], this single element is also non-zero by Remark 2.3(iii) below.) (II) A combinatorial description of ψ a 1