In 1948 D. E. Green[21 termed the mitochondria1 enzymes the cyciophorase complex, in order, as he later commented[31 " . . . to signify that the complex was a unit of enzyme action and not a chance mixture of several hundred enzymes. . . . this complex was visualized as aa organized mosaic of enzymes in which each of the large number of component enzymes was uniquely located to permit efficient implementation of consecutive reaction sequences". These words contain the concept of the multienzyme complex: ordered association (not involving peptide linkages) of various enzymes that catalyse successive steps in a reaction sequence. The present paper deals with recent findings regarding the properties of such complexes, and the question whether the concept represents a biological principle is discussed.Predominantly protein-chemical aspects of the association of enzymes were recently described by Sund and Weber [41, and the "macromolecular organization of enzywe systems" by Reed a n d Cox[sl.I. Multienzyme Complexes in a Narrower Sense
Tryptophan SynthetaseA clear and relatively simple example is the tryptophan synthetase from Escherichia coli. In the presence of pyridoxal phosphate, the enzyme catalyses the last step [Eq. (a)] in the reaction chain leading to the biosynthesis of tryptophan : There is strong evidence that the catalytically active centers of the respective complementary proteins are not involved in the activation of A in reaction (b) and in that of B in reaction (c). Protein B which has lost its enzymatic activity as a result of mutation canactivate A in reaction (b) in the same way as unaltered protein B, while the reverse is true of A which has been inactivated by mutation. Moreover, the activity of B in reaction (c) is increased by a factor of about 20 in the presence of a high concentration of NH4+ ions 1141. Finally, Hatunuka [8] U.