Alkylation at N-1 of the NADP' adenine ring with 3,4-epoxybutanoic acid gave 1-(2-hydroxy-3-carboxypropy1)-NADP+ . Enzymic reduction of the latter, followed by alkaline Dimroth rearrangement and enzymic reoxidation, gave N6-(2-hydr~xy-3-carboxypropyl)-NADP+. On the other hand, bromination at C-8 of the NADP+ adenine ring, followed by reaction with' the disodium salt of 3-mercaptopropionic acid, gave 8-(2-carboxyethylthio)-NADP+. Carbodiimide coupling of the three carboxylic NADP' derivatives to polyethyleneimine afforded the corresponding macromolecular NADP+ analogues.The carboxylic and the polyethyleneimine derivatives synthesized have been shown to be coenzymically active with yeast glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, liver glutamate dehydrogenase and yeast aldehyde dehydrogenase. The degree of efficiency relative to NADP' with the three enzymes ranged from 17 "/, to 100 % for the carboxylic derivatives and from 1 "/, to 36 % for the polyethyleneimine analogues. On comparing the efficiencies with the three enzymes of the N-1 derivatives to the one of the corresponding N6 and C-8 analogues, the order of activity was N-1 > N6 > C-8, except in the case of the carboxylic compounds with glutamate dehydrogenase, where this order was inverted. None of these modified cofactors were active with pig heart isocitrate dehydrogenase.The synthesis and coenzymic activity of macromolecular soluble NAD' derivatives, with potential applications in the industrial, analytical or biomedical field as active cofactors for dehydrogenase systems entrapped in porous structures, have been reported in recent times from these and other laboratories.In our two approaches to coenzymically active macromolecular NAD+ derivatives [4,6] the bonds involved in the linking of the coenzyme to the polymer have been shown to be hydrolytically stable. The same did not hold for the polymer-bound cofactors synthesized in the other laboratories ([l-3,7]; for the instability of the linking obtained by the cyanogen bromide coupling technique see also [S]), thus limiting the applicability of these modified coenzymes. In view of this we were interested in applying our macromolecularization methods also to NADP+ with the aim of obtaining coenzymically active, operationally stable cofactor analogues.The present paper describes the synthesis of three new NADP + analogues functionalized with a carboxyl group, i.e., 1-(2-hydroxy-3-carboxypropyl)-NADP+