An expedient synthesis of the trisaccharides @-D-Galp-(1-+4)-P-D-Manp-(l-+6)-~-Gal (8), P-D-Galp-( 1 -+4)-@-~-ManpNAc-(l-+6)-~-Gd (ll), and @-D-Galp-( 1 -+4)-a-~-GlcpNAc-(1 -+6)-~-Gal(l2) is achieved utilizing the readily accessible lactose-derived building blocks hexa-0-benzoyl-a-D-lactosulosyl bromide (4) and its 2-(benzoyloxy)imino analogue 5 as glycosyl donors and 1,2: 3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-~-gdactose (6) as the acceptor. Stereocontrolled a-(silver triflate) and @-glycosidations (silver carbonate) were as smoothly effected as the subsequent, essentially stereospecific reductions of 0x0 (NaBH4) and (benzoy1oxy)-imino functions (diborane). The overall yields of 55-60% attainable for 4 -+ 8 and 5 -+ 11/ 12 render this disaccharide-derived building block approach highly effective for the construction of oligosaccharides with interior @-D-Man, @-D-ManNAc, and a-D-GlcNAc units.
Ein einfacher Zugang zu Trisacchariden mit zentraler @A4annose-, a-mGlucosaminund PD-Mannosamin-EinheitEine effIziente Synthese der Trisaccharide P-D-Galp-(I -+4)-P-~-Manp-(l-+6)-~-Gal (8),12) gelingt unter Verwendung der aus Lactose leicht zuganglichen Disaccharid-Syntheseblocks Hexa-0-benzoyl-a-n-lactosulosyl-bromid (4) und seinem 2-(Benzoy1oxy)imino-Analogen 5 als Glycosyl-Donor und 1,2 : 3,4-Di-O-isopropyliden-~-galactose (6) als Acceptor. Stereokontrollierte a-(Silbertriflat) und @-Glycosidierungen (Ag2C0,) lieBen sich ebenso durchfuhren wie die nachfolgenden, nahezu stereospezifisch verlaufenden Reduktionen der 0x0-(NaBH4) und (Benzoy1oxy)imino-Funktionen (Diboran). Erreichbare Gesamtausbeuten von 55 -60% fur 4 -+ 8 und 5 ---* 11 bzw. 12 machen diesen DisaccharidSyntheseblock-Zugang zu einem der efizientesten fur den Aufbau von Oligosacchariden mit inneren P-D-Man-, P-D-ManNAc-und a-D-GlcNAc-Einheiten.The presently prevailing approach towards the synthesis of biologically important oligosaccharides comprises their stepwise construction from suitably blocked, anomerically activated glycosyl donor and a monosaccharide acceptor with a free hydroxy group'! This well-elaborated methodology, however, results in the extension of a saccharide by more than one sugar unit only if the di-or oligosaccharide components required were presynthesized from the constituent monosaccharide units 1,2). In contrast, the synthetic potential inherent in the common in large scale available disaccharides has been tapped comparatively little, scant examples being the lactose-derived lactosaminyl donors 23-6) and some analogues prepared from cellobiose7) and maltose *I. The acquisition of these building blocks 0 VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, D-6940 Weinheim, 1985