The phthalideisoquinoline system has been synthesized from substituted 2-phenyl-1,3-indandiones as starting materials. The key step in the synthesis is the rearrangement of the spirobenzylisoquinoline ring system to the phthalideisoquinoline system. The diastereomeric cordrastines, I and 11, have been synthesized by this method and their relative configurations have been established by comparison of their p.m.r. spectra with those of phthalideisoquinoline alkaloids of known configuration.Le systeme phtalideisoquinolCine a kt6 synthCtisC a partir des phCny1-2 indanediones-1,3 substituCes comme composCs de dCpart. L'Ctape cle dans la synthese correspond au rearrangement du svsteme cyclique spirobenzylisoquinolCine en systeme phtalidCisoquinolCine. Les cordrastines diastCrCoisomitres I et I1 ont CtC synthetisees par cette mCthode et leurs configurations relatives Ctablies par comparaison des spectres r.m.n. avec ceux d'alcaloides phtalideisoquinoltine de configuration connue.[Traduit par le journal]Can.