Ribonucleoprotein particles, known as informofers or heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (hnRNA . protein), have been extracted from rat uterine nuclei and found to have properties similar to those characterized from other tissues.Incorporation of RNA precursors into the RNA of these particles is stimulated up to 8-fold by oestrogen administration to rats.When uteri are dissected from oestrogen-treated rats and incubated in vitro with radioactive RNA precursor, only the RNA in the ribonucleoprotein particles is synthesized at a rate faster than can be accounted for by increase in the uptake of precursor. This contrasts with previous studies where both hormone treatment and incorporation of radioactive precursor were performed in vivo and the synthesis of all RNA species was stimulated [Knowler, J. T. and Smellie, R. M. S. Oestrogen appears to stimulate the synthesis of RNA in the uterus of immature mammals in two phases. The earliest response, seen from 30 min after oestrogen injection, is a stimulation in the synthesis of hnRNA [l, 21. This is followed by an increase in the synthesis of rRNA and tRNA which is detectable 1 -2 h after oestrogen administration and reaches a peak of up to 12 times unstimulated levels 2-4 h after hormone treatment [l]. Studies with inhibitors [1,3] indicate that the production of rRNA is dependent on the preliminary synthesis of hnRNA and on protein synthesis. Since an increasing body of evidence supports the view that at least a part of hnRNA is a precursor of mRNA [4,5], it has been proposed that the primary action of oestrogen might be to stimulate the synthesis of specific messengeri in the form of hnRNA. The maturation and translation of these species might then be a necessary prerequisite for the stimulation of ribosome synthesis and the subsequent uterine hypertrophy [2].The present study is part of a continuing investigation of uterine hnRNA synthesis, maturation and its effect on rRNA synthesis. hnRNA has been extracted from uterine nuclei as ribonucleoprotein particles (variously known as infomofers [6] or hnRNA . proAbbreviations. hnRNA, heterogeneous nuclear RNA; hnRNA . protein, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles; oestradiol-l7P, 1,3.5(10)-estratirene-3,17~-diol. ~~~ tein [7]) and the effect of oestrogen on their synthesis has been investigated. A preliminary presentation of some of the data described here has been presented elsewhere [8].
MATERIALS AND METHODSThe reagents, experimental animals, injection techniques, incubation in vitro, preparation of acidsoluble and acid-insoluble fractions, preparation of total uterine RNA and electrophoresis of RNA on polyacrylamide gels have been previously described [1,21.
Preparation of NucleiUteri from incubations performed in v i m were rapidly washed three times with ice-cold 0.9 NaCI, blotted dry and finely chopped with dissecting scissors. 12-15 uteri were then homogenized in 3 ml of buffer A (0.01 M Tris, pH 7.4, 0.01 M NaCI, 0.0015 M MgC1,) in an Ultra Turrex homogenizer run at 50 V for 20 s....