Quantum spin Hall insulators are a class of two-dimensional materials with a finite electronic band gap in the bulk and gapless helical edge states. In the presence of time-reversal symmetry, Z2 topological order distinguishes the topological phase from the ordinary insulating one. Some of the phenomena that can be hosted in these materials, from one-dimensional low-dissipation electronic transport to spin filtering, could be very promising for many technological applications in the fields of electronics, spintronics and topological quantum computing. Nevertheless, the rarity of twodimensional materials that can exhibit non-trivial Z2 topological order at room temperature hinders development. Here, we screen a comprehensive database we recently created of 1825 monolayers that can be exfoliated from experimentally known compounds, to search for novel quantum spin Hall insulators. Using density-functional and many-body perturbation theory simulations, we identify 13 monolayers that are candidates for quantum spin Hall insulators, including high-performing materials such as AsCuLi2 and jacutingaite (Pt2HgSe3). We also identify monolayer Pd2HgSe3 as a novel Kane-Mele quantum spin Hall insulator, and compare it with jacutingaite. Such a handful of promising materials are mechanically stable and exhibit Z2 topological order, either unpertubed or driven by a small amount of strain. Such screening highlights a relative abundance of Z2 topological order of around 1%, and provides an optimal set of candidates for experimental efforts. arXiv:1908.08334v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]