Study of the type of Di~nerospoii~rnz balsa?nicola (Peck) Ell. I% Ex-. ( = illcliola balsa~~zicola Peck) revealed that this species is a lnelioline hyperparasite. The fungus is transferred to Dinzerizlvz, redescribed, illustrated, and distinguished from Phacoc,,yptopzls nzrdzls (Peck) Petralc, Asterigza sp., and from Epipolaeum abietis (Dearness) n. comb. ( = Di,nerosporiunz abielis Dearness), which also occur on Abzes i n North America. In all, four species of Epipolae~r~iz that occur on conifer needles are treated: Epipolaezl?lz abzetis on Abies grandis (Dougl.) Lindl. and Abies a~nabilis (Dougl.) Forb. in western North America, on Abies alba Mill. in France, and on Iielel~eria davidiana Beiss. in Formosa; Epipolaeum tsugae (Dearness) n. comb. on Tszrga canadensis (L.) Carr. in eastern Nortli An~erica, and on Tszlga helerophylla (12af.) Sarg. and Tszrga rnert~nsiana (Bong.) Carr. in western North America; Epipolaeurn pseudotsugae (V. M . Miller & Bonar) n. comb. on Psezldotszlga talifolia (Poir.) Britton from western Nortli America; Epipolaeum terrieri (Petrak in Terrier) 11. comb. on Abies alba in Switzerland.