Matching composition network is a family of interconnection networks, including the BC network and the hyper Petersen network, etc. In this paper, we prove that the local diagnosability of an MCN can be obtained by adding one to that of the component with some structural restrictions. Additionally, we obtain a sufficient condition for verifying that an MCN with fault-free edges (faulty edges, respectively) has strong local diagnostic properties. By applying these results, the BC network BC n and the hyper Petersen network HP n are n l -diagnosable at each node belonging to them, for n ⩾ 3. These interconnection networks with fault-free edges (faulty edges, respectively) possess the strong local diagnosability property.
KEYWORDSfault diagnosis, local diagnosability, matching composition network, PMC model
INTRODUCTIONWith the scale of the high-performance parallel computer systems growing larger, the system architecture has become more and more complex.However, the complex architecture of these multiprocessor systems has a negative impact on the reliability of such systems. Due to the influence of many factors such as production process, system integration, and system operating environment, the more processors and communication links, the higher the probability of failure. In some cases, some of the processors fail, which may cause the entire system to lose its ability to work.Consequently, promptly locating and replacing the faulty processors are absolutely essential for guaranteeing the reliability of a multiprocessor system.During the development of system diagnosis, researchers proposed several diagnostic models. The PMC model is undoubtedly one of the most widely used models. 1 There are two different diagnostic strategies depending on whether all faulty nodes in the system are identified one or more times under the PMC model. One is one-step diagnostic strategy and the other is sequential diagnostic strategy. 1 These two diagnostic strategies are both based on the same assumption that all neighbor processors of any one of the processors in the system may fail simultaneously. Therefore, the number of faulty processors that these diagnostic strategies can identify must be limited by the minimum number of neighbors for any one of the processors in the system. To overcome this restriction and increase the system's fault diagnosis capabilities, the researchers proposed different diagnostic strategies and made many attempts. The t/k-diagnosability 2 approach increases the diagnostic capabilities of the system by allowing at most k processors to be diagnosed incorrectly. Obviously, the shortcoming of the t/k-diagnostic strategy is that it may diagnose a fault-free node as a faulty node. Araki et al 3 proposed the (t, k)-diagnosis by introducing a new parameter k, which extended the application of sequential diagnostic strategies and revealed the correlation between one-step diagnosis and generalized sequential diagnosis. However, the choice of the parameter k is a challenge that affects diagnostic efficiency. Provi...