For a given stationary max-stable random field X(t), t ∈ Z d the corresponding generalised Pickands constant coincides with the classical extremal index θ X ∈ [0, 1] which always exists. In this contribution we discuss necessary and sufficient conditions for θ X to be 0, positive or equal to 1 and also show that θ X is equal to the so-called block extremal index. Further, we consider some general functional indices of X and prove that for a large class of functionals they coincide with θ X . Our study of maxstable and stationary random fields is important since the formulas are valid with obvious modifications for the candidate extremal index of multivariate regularly varying random fields.MSC 2010 subject classifications: Primary 60G15; secondary 60G70. Keywords and phrases: Max-stable random fields, Brown-Resnick random fields, Pickands constants, classical extremal index, block extremal index, functional index .Since the finite dimensional distributions (fidi's) of X can be calculated explicitly (see (6.1) below) if H exists, then P maxas n → ∞ is valid for all x > 0. As argued in [17] and [27, 15] the sub-additivity of maximum functional implies that H is well-defined and finite, provided that X is stationary. Consequently, in