F8, Context 298 , Structure F8, Evaluation Trench 2Cut into redeposited gravel, with the skull protruding through the fl oor of a PPNA structure and stratigraphically sealed by two PPNA fl oors and associated occupation. A NE-SW orientated arrangement of articulated and disarticulated bones with disarticulated skull placed on a 'pillow' stone. Fragile especially in the upper part of the inhumation. At least two adults and a juvenile appear to be present. Chipped stone artefacts including bladelets, a microlith and an awl.
F39910, Structure F3992, Evaluation Trench 3 With its skull probably protruding through the fl oor of a PPNA structure and positioned on a 'pillow' stone; stratigraphically sealed by a PPNA fl oor. A NE-SW orientated crouched inhumation on its right side with the skull facing NW. The skull was disarticulated but in position by appearing to have been stretched from the body and then placed on a 'pillow' stone. Appears to be a complete but fragile adult skeleton. Chipped stone artefacts.O3 , Structure O31 Cut through the infi ll and wall of a disused PPNA structure and sealed by defl ated overburden. Undetermined. Fragmentary remains, appearing to consist of only two hand or foot bones, one long bone and several ribs O4 , Midden O60 Cut into PPNA midden deposits and sealed by defl ated overburden. Probably a crouched inhumation; a mortar fragment had been set on an edge appearing to form one side of the burial. Fragmentary -only some hand and feet bones survive. Fragment of a mortar stoneCut through the wall of a PPNA structure and sealed by defl ated overburden. A NE-SW orientated crouched inhumation, lying on its back with legs bent to the right and head facing to the left. Appears to be a complete, well preserved juvenile skeleton. Fragment of a possibly worked animal bone.O7 , Structure O31 Cut through PPNA infi ll inside the structure and sealed by a PPNA fl oor. A N-S orientated crouched inhumation on its left side, facing east. Appears to be a complete but poorly preserved adult skeleton. A hammerstone, an El Khiam point and a chipped stone pick.O8 , Area O108 Cut through the infi ll of a disused PPNA structure and sealed by defl ated overburden. A semi-crouched inhumation, orientated E-W with its head at the east end facing NE. A fragmentary and poorly preserved juvenile skeleton appearing to have the lower right arm, complete left arm, hand and unfused epiphyses missing. A green stone bead.
O9 , Structure O65Cut through the wall of a PPNA structure and sealed by defl ated overburden. A crouched inhumation on its right side, orientated E-W and facing north with its left hand under the skull. A fragmentary juvenile skeleton appearing to have only the skull, arms, hands and feet present. Four chipped stone artefacts and a caprine pelvis.
O10 , Structure O84Cut through the infi ll of a disused PPNA structure and sealed by defl ated overburden. A N-S orientated crouched inhumation on its right side with its head to the south facing east. Fragmentary remains with, at least, both scapulae, left...