“…89 Ma) subaerial unconformity occurs at the top of the Janda ıra Formation carbonate platform [Gil, 1997]. Second, the Miocene Neto et al, 2009]; yellow/orange/ red diamonds/circles 5 dated volcanic rocks (diamonds 5 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages from Souza et al [2003Souza et al [ , 2013; Nascimento et al [2003]; Knesel et al [2011]; circles 5 K-Ar ages from Misuzaki et al [2002]); white circles 5 loci of nodes; dark blue polygons 5 Santana Formation. (c) Black line with gray band 5 average predicted uplift rate history with 61r for nodes shown in Figure 8a where dashed lines show changes obtained by covarying v and m within ranges 5 v 18 and 0:325 m 0:375; histogram 5 magmatic samples (red bars 5 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages, black bars 5 K-Ar ages); solid circles with horizontal error bars 5 timings of exhumation events from thermochronologic studies; green arrow 5 start of increased clastic input into offshore basins (Potiguar, Pernambuco and Sergipe-Alagoas Basins) C ordoba et al, 2007;Campos Neto et al, 2007]; (d) Black line with gray band 5 average predicted cumulative uplift history for node shown in Figure 8a Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10.1002/2017GC006909 denudation event coincides with a transition from carbonate ramp to progradational clastic deposition observed in sedimentary basins along both the eastern (Pernambuco, Para ıba, Sergipe-Alagoas) [C ordoba et al, 2007;Campos Neto et al, 2007] and equatorial (offshore Potiguar, Cear a) [Cond e et al, 2007;Pessoa Neto et al, 2007] margins.…”