Our knowledge of the thermal state, composition, and structure of the Martian mantle is derived from a diverse and continuously expanding array of geophysical and geochemical constraints. Early measurements of the moment of inertia factor, soil compositions at the Viking landing sites, and the definitive recognition that shergottites, nakhlites, and chassignites are from Mars (Baird et al., 1976;Bogard & Johnson, 1983;Johnston & Toksöz, 1977), unequivocally pointed to a FeO-rich mantle (Mg/(Fe + Mg) × 100 in moles or Mg# = 75-81) compared to Earth (90). Model compositions of the "primitive mantle" were rapidly put forth (e.g., Dreibus & Wänke, 1985) and allowed to create simple models of the Martian interior structure (