The distribution of oligonucleotides which are released from rat liver ribosomes by treatment with pancreatic ribonuclease has been studied.Rat liver monoribosomes lost from 15 to 17 % of their nucleotides by treatment with pancreatic ribonuclease. This quantity was highly reproducible and did not depend significantly on the temperature (0-20 "C) and time (10-120 min) of incubation or on the concentration of enzyme (1 : 5000-1 : 50). Whereas the amounts of oligonucleotides liberated was 16 %, it was shown by column chromatography that they consisted of 71 % mononucleotides, 16 % dinucleoddes, 6 % trinucleotides, 4 % tetranucleotides and 2 % pentanucleotides and that these oligonucleotides were enriched in uridine, containing approximately half of the uridine residues present in the high-molecular-weight ribosomal RNA. The high molecular weight of the RNA from ribonuclease-treated ribosomes was preserved until it was heated; after heating, RNA fragments having sedimentation coefficients of 5 S and less were present.