Abstract. This paper is a contribution to a program to see symmetry breaking in a weakly interacting many boson system on a three-dimensional lattice at low temperature. It provides an overview of the analysis, given in Balaban et al. (The small field parabolic flow for bosonic manybody models: part 1-main results and algebra, arXiv:1609.01745, 2016, The small field parabolic flow for bosonic many-body models: part 2-fluctuation integral and renormalization, arXiv:1609.01746, 2016), of the 'small field' approximation to the 'parabolic flow' which exhibits the formation of a 'Mexican hat' potential well.It is our long-term goal to rigorously demonstrate symmetry breaking in a gas of bosons hopping on a three-dimensional lattice. Technically, to show that the correlation functions decay at a nonintegrable rate when the chemical potential is sufficiently positive, the nonintegrability reflecting the presence of a long range Goldstone boson mediating the interaction between quasiparticles in the superfluid condensate. It is already known [19,20] that the correlation functions are exponentially decreasing when the chemical potential is sufficiently negative. See, for example, [22] and [30, §19] for an introduction to symmetry breaking in general, and [1,18,23,28] as general references to Bose-Einstein condensation. See [17,21,26,29] for other mathematically rigorous work on the subject.We start with a brief, formula free, summary of the program and its current state. Then we'll provide a more precise, but still simplified, discussion of the portion of the program that controls the small field parabolic flow.