Given tensors T and T of order k and k respectively, the tensor product T ⊗ T is a tensor of order k +k . It was recently shown that the tensor rank can be strictly submultiplicative under this operation ([Christandl-Jensen-Zuiddam]). We study this phenomenon for symmetric tensors where additional techniques from algebraic geometry are available. The tensor product of symmetric tensors results in a partially symmetric tensor and our results amount to bounds on the partially symmetric rank. Following motivations from algebraic complexity theory and quantum information theory, we focus on the so-called W -states, namely monomials of the form x d−1 y, and on products of such. In particular, we prove that the partially symmetric rank oftools from algebraic geometry, we improve upon these bounds and provide a number other insights on the rank of tensor products of symmetric tensors.1.1. Motivations. Tensor decomposition for structured tensors is a classical topic that has been studied in algebraic geometry at least since the nineteenth century and finds numerous applications in other fields, such as quantum physics and theoretical computer science. We present some of the applications in related fields.Entanglement. The Hilbert space of a composite quantum system is the tensor product of the Hilbert spaces of the constituent systems. The Hilbert space of the N -body system is obtained as the tensor product of N copies of the n-dimensional single particle Hilbert space H 1 . In the case of indistinguishable bosonic particles, the totally symmetric states under particle exchange are physically relevant, which amounts to restricting the attention to the subspace H s = S N H 1 ⊂ N H 1 of completely symmetric tensors. In case we have two different species of indistinguishable bosonic particles, the relevant Hilbert space is S N1 H 1 ⊗ S N2 H 2 . Tensor rank is a natural measure of the entanglement of the corresponding quantum state ([YCGD10], [BC12]) and strict submultiplicativity of partially symmetric rank reflects the unexpected fact that entanglement does not simply "add up" in the composite system formed by multiple bosonic systems, even if the statesThe results of this paper expand on this novel quantum effect.
Communication Complexity. The log-rank of the communication matrix is a lower bound on the deterministic communication complexity (see [MS82]) and it is an open question whether this bound is tight up to polynomial factors ([LS88]). Recently, it has been shown that support tensor rank equals the non-deterministic multiparty quantum communication complexity in the quantum broadcast model ([BCZ17]). Here, the communicating parties obtain each an input and are asked to compute a Boolean function of the joint input using as little quantum communication as possible. The tensor encodes the Boolean function; the order of the tensor corresponds to the number of parties. Support tensor rank is upper bounded by tensor rank with equality in some cases: for instance, in the case of W -states or asymptotically in the equali...