There is a significant linkage relationship between corporate bond credit spreads and macroeconomic indicators. Exploring the dynamic and time-varying relationship between the two can better control and adjust market risks at the macro level. Selecting the 2010-2019 quarterly data, and establishing the TVP-VAR model of macro indicators and credit spreads, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) Credit spreads are counter-cyclical. (2) The degree of response of credit spreads and macroeconomic indicators in years with large economic fluctuations is significantly higher than in years when the economy is stable, and tends to be stable for a long time. (3) PMI and risk-free interest rates have a significant negative impact on credit spreads in the long term, and CPI has a relatively low contribution rate to the fluctuation of credit spreads. Based on this, targeted recommendations such as the implementation of prudent macroeconomic policies are provided to provide a basis for corporate bond pricing, regulators to control market risks, and to formulate relevant development strategies, and to promote the healthy development of the corporate bond market.