Objective. To enhance the competitiveness of railway passenger transportation in Ukraine, it is necessary to explore the experience of structural transformations in passenger enterprises of foreign railways, analyze the current state of the domestic railway passenger transportation management system, and propose an effective organizational structure for the passenger complex of Ukrainian Railways PJSC in modern conditions. Methodology. To achieve the stated objective, methods of analogy, modeling, comparative, and retrospective analysis were applied. Results. The world experience of interaction between organizational units of railway passenger complexes has been considered. An analysis has been conducted, and problems in the interaction of departments in the existing railway passenger transportation management system have been identified. A management structure for the passenger complex of Ukrainian Railways PJSC has been proposed, which will help optimize its operation and contribute to the increased efficiency of railway passenger transportation in Ukraine. Scientific novelty. The stages of transformation of the management structure of the passenger complex after the formation of Ukrainian Railways PJSC have been generalized. The passenger complex is considered as a single system: based on the visualization of the distribution of work with trains of different categories, problems of delineation of responsibility zones between the departments of the passenger complex have been identified. A model of an improved organizational structure for managing the passenger complex of railway transport has been developed in accordance with modern conditions. Practical significance. The proposed measures can be applied by Ukrainian Railways PJSC to improve the organizational structure of the passenger complex in the process of transitioning to a vertically integrated management model.