We review the distribution, habitat and conservation status of the eastern pygmy-possum
(Cercartetus nanus) in Victoria. Data on the habitat occurrences and rates of detection were
gleaned from 133 published and unpublished fauna surveys conducted from 1968 to 2003 in
Gippsland; northern Victoria; the Melbourne area and south-western region. C. nanus was
reported from a broad range of vegetation communities, which predominantly included a dense
mid-storey of shrubs rich in nectar-producing species such as those from the families
Proteaceae and Myrtaceae. Survey effort using a range of methods was immense across
surveys: 305,676 Elliott/cage trap-nights, 49,582 pitfall trap-nights, 18,331 predator remains
analysed, 4424 spotlight hours, and 7346 hair-sampling devices deployed, 1005 trees
stagwatched, and 5878 checks of installed nest-boxes. The surveys produced 434 records of C.
nanus, with Elliott/cage trapping, pitfall trapping and analysis of predator remains responsible
for the vast majority of records (93%). These data and those from the Atlas of Victorian
Wildlife indicate that although C. nanus has a widespread distribution in Victoria, it is rarely
observed or trapped in fauna surveys. Only 11 (8%) of the surveys we reviewed detected >10
individuals. C. nanus is likely to be sensitive to several recognised threatening processes in
Victoria (e.g., feral predators, high frequency fire, feral honeybees). There is also evidence of
range declines in several regions, which suggests that the species is vulnerable to extinction.
Therefore, we recommend that it be nominated as a threatened species in Victoria.