주제어 : 신체활동, 비만, 걷기 운동, 건강증진, 중년여성, 융복합적인 웰니스 Abstract The goal of this study was 1) to compare the physical activity between the normal(NO) and obese (OB) group at baseline and 2) to investigate responses of the physical activity to a 24-week walking exercise program in both groups. A total of 29 middle-aged women was classified NO and OB group based on the BMI(25 kg/m 2 ). Walking exercise was designed to energy expenditure of 500 kcal per day, with a frequence of 3 days per week for 24 weeks. Body composition(Weight, BMI, BF(%), Hip, WHR) were measured at the baseline and after the walking exercise program(24 week). Physical activity were measured during 24 week for wellness convergence in the digital age. In conclusion, the current findings of this study indicate that 1) physical activity is not difference in both groups at baseline 2) 24-week walking exercise program is an effective means of improving physical activity in both NO and OB groups.