The DArk Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) is a space-borne particle detector designed to probe electrons and gamma-rays in the few GeV to 10 TeV energy range, as well as cosmic-ray proton and nuclei components between 10 GeV and 100 TeV. The silicon-tungsten tracker-converter is a crucial component of DAMPE. It allows the direction of incoming photons converting into electron-positron pairs to be estimated, and the trajectory and charge (Z) of cosmic-ray particles to be identified. It consists of 768 silicon micro-strip sensors assembled in 6 double layers with a total active area of 6.6 m 2 . Silicon planes are interleaved with three layers of tungsten plates, resulting in about one radiation length of material in the tracker. Internal alignment parameters of the tracker have been determined on orbit, with non-showering protons and helium nuclei. We describe the alignment procedure and present the position resolution and alignment stability measurements.
NUDBGO STK PSD z x y Figure 1: Schematic view of the DAMPE detector. Sensitive detectors and support structures are shown. The z-axis of the DAMPE coordinate system is oriented to the zenith, orthogonal to the STK planes and y points to the Sun.10 GeV to 100 TeV, with excellent energy resolution and direction precision [1,2]. The main objectives of DAMPE are the identification of possible indirect signatures of Dark Matter annihilation or decay, improving the understanding of the origin and propagation mechanisms of high energy cosmic rays and gamma-ray astronomy. It consists of four sub-detectors ( Figure 1) stacked together as follows, moving from top to bottom. First is a Plastic Scintillator-strip Detector (PSD), which measures the cosmic ray charge (Z) and provides the veto signal for charged particles in gamma-ray detection. It is followed by a Silicon-Tungsten tracKer-converter (STK), that is described in detail in the next section. Next, there is an imaging calorimeter made of 14 layers of Bismuth Germanium Oxide (BGO) bars in a hodoscopic arrangement with a total thickness of about 32 radiation lengths, which provides a precise energy measurement and particle identification for electron/hadron separation. The BGO is aided by the NeUtron Detector (NUD), a borondoped plastic scintillator detecting delayed neutrons coming from hadronic interactions at high energies, which serves to improve the electron/hadron separation power.The STK is a key component of DAMPE, allowing the trajectory and absolute ion charge (Z) of incoming particles to be reconstructed and measured respectively. Moreover, thanks to its high position resolution, the direction of incoming photons converting into electron-positron pairs in the STK's tungsten plates can be precisely reconstructed. In order to fully exploit the trajectory reconstruction capabilities of the STK, a precise alignment of the instrument is needed, as explained in this paper.The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 the STK is briefly described. Section 3 provides the details of the on-orbit data and simulati...