AcknowledgmentsThe journey to reach this point has been long but rewarding. Physics has proven to be a challenging subject, and the experience has rewarded me with rich new perspectives on the world and its workings. I owe many thanks to a number of people who have provided valuable contributions to my growth as a physicist.
First and foremost among my colleagues, I wish to thank my thesis advisor HalEvans. His contagious enthusiasm for particle physics propelled me through several periods of doldrums during my graduate studies. He has been an example to look toward time and again, both as a researcher and teacher. I look forward to my career in physics with confidence thanks in large part to his guidance.
PrefaceThis document is the culmination of my graduate education in physics. It is a summary of the motivation, methods, and results of the analysis I conducted at experiments using the world's two largest particle accelerators. Out of necessity for efficient communication of the methods and results there will be judicious use of moderately advanced analytical and computational mathematics. However, for the casual reader (my family and friends), as well as for the introductory graduate student (whose daunting learning curve I remember well), I endeavor at every point to include a clear written description of each step. The introduction is intended to be useful for the graduate student beginning his or her career, while still remaining accessible to the non-scientist with an interest in particle physics and the research discussed herein.
Why study physics?There seems to be a general perception that to study physics is to tackle one of the most difficult disciplines in academia. For this reason, many prospective young students seem to find themselves averted from the idea. It is true that the material is difficult, in large part because of the daunting mathematical skills required to arrive at formal results. Nonetheless, it is a worthwhile subject to pursue. Even an viii introduction to the fundamental concepts of physics bestows unique and valuable new perspectives. As Carl Sagan put it, "The cosmos is rich beyond measure -in elegant facts, in exquisite interrelationships, in the subtle machinery of awe."1 As one delves further into the intricacies of physics, more of this complex beauty is revealed.When one understands how physical phenomena operate at the general level, they There is also much to be gained by pushing the boundaries of knowledge and studying the advanced frontiers of pure physics. Researchers continue to probe deeper into big questions about the nature of the universe. Particle physicists are designing ever grander experiments in an effort to discover the fundamental constituents of x matter. Cutting-edge accelerator facilities are producing energy densities consistent with the earliest moments after the big bang, seeking to find the origin of mass, extra dimensions of space, or new fundamental forces. This is an exciting time to be involved in physics research.xi Denver W. Whittington