The hawk is taken from the top-board of Responsibilities and Other Poems (London: Macmillan, 1916), Private Coll., London, Image Warwick Gould. The design is by Thomas Sturge Moore, showing Yeats's change of livery when he moved his books to Macmillan as his principal trade publisher. The book was published on 10 October 1916, the same day as that firm issued his Reveries over Childhood and Youth, also with a Sturge Moore cover-design. xv YEATS ANNUAL 21 14. Front Cover, the Irish Independent, 11 October 1927. Image courtesy National Library of Ireland. 15. Cuchulain slays the dragon of 'Tainted Literature: Front Cover of Our Boys Annual 1915. Image courtesy Christian Brothers Province Centre, Dublin. 16. Brother Canice Craven at his Editor's desk, shining the light of Angelic Warfare onto a waste-paper basket ready to receive 'devilish literature coming into this country', with his Editor's notes below. From Our Boys, 4 September 1924. Image courtesy Christian Brothers Province Centre, Dublin.