Abstract. We give general conditions on a generator of a C 0 -semigroup (resp. of a C 0 -resolvent) on L p (E, µ), p ≥ 1, where E is an arbitrary (Lusin) topological space and µ a σ-finite measure on its Borel σ-algebra, so that it generates a sufficiently regular Markov process on E. We present a general method how these conditions can be checked in many situations. Applications to solve stochastic differential equations on Hilbert space in the sense of a martingale problem are given.
IntroductionIn this paper we study stochastic differential equations (SDE) in infinite dimensions, e.g. on a Hilbert space H, with possibly very singular coefficients. For such equations, strong or mild solutions (cf. [8]) do not exist in general, but it is only possible to construct weak solutions or even only martingale solutions, i.e. a Markov process that solves the martingale problem for the (partial) differential operator ("Kolmogorov operator") associated with the SDE (cf. Proposition 1.4 below and [18] for the general theory in finite dimensions). The latter notion of solution we shall briefly call "martingale solutions". The notions of weak and martingale solutions are only equivalent in finite dimensions (cf. [18]), but not in infinite dimensions. Under additional hypotheses, however, one can construct weak solutions from martingale solutions also in the infinite dimensional case. We refer to [2] and [14] for a detailed discussion.Given an SDE on a Hilbert space H (by heuristically applying Itô's formula, see Section 5 below) one can always write down the corresponding Kolmogorov operator L 0 on a space of nice test functions. If one can prove that its closure L generates a C 0 -semigroup P t = e tL , t ≥ 0, on L p (H, µ) for some suitably chosen measure µ (see Section 5) and if this semigroup is sufficiently regular, then one can prove that there exists a Markov process with transition probabilities given by P t , t ≥ 0. This process then automatically solves the martingale problem for L, and thus is a martingale solution to the SDE.The main results of this paper give general conditions, which are checkable in applications, on a given Kolmogorov operator L, more precisely, on the generator of a C 0 -semigroup (or C 0 -resolvent) on L p (H, µ), p ≥ 1, so that an associated sufficiently regular Markov process (namely, a µ-standard right process) exists giving the desired solution to the martingale problem determined 1