A reasonable excitation function is vital to make a precise evaluation about the radio interference (RI) level of ultrahigh-voltage (UHV) AC power lines. To obtain this function, a large number of RI measurements in heavy rain condition were done using different conductor bundles in a corona cage. Then, the excitation function in heavy rain condition was obtained by least-square fitting these measured values. After that, the validity of this function was verified with the statistical data measured from the Hubei long-term station, which is located under the operating 1000 kV Jindongnan-NanyangJingmen UHV AC transmission lines. It turns out that the deviation between the prediction and the long-term average value is 1.1 dB in heavy rain condition, and 1.3 dB in fair weather condition. In addition, the long-term data measured in Hubei Station show that the conversion laws of RI at different weather conditions in International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR)18 are also applicable to 1000 kV UHV transmission lines.