methods. Mathematical models allow identifying the most powerful factors and optimizing technological processes. Correctness of the mathematical models of gas-to-steam bubbles is determined by the accuracy of accounting all thermal and physical processes taking place in the liquid and gas.
Literature review and problem statementTo improve the accuracy of simulating heat transfer processes in the gas-to-steam bubble, it is necessary to consider the heat transfer into the liquid medium. A number of authors take the liquid temperature to be constant: when calculating the materials swelling [1], when determining the thermodynamic characteristics of steam [7] and cavitation bubbles [8]. In [9], the liquid temperature is described by the exponential function that does not depend on time and the direction of the bubble wall's movement.
A b s t r a c t
The work is devoted to the study of the transient processes of heat and mass transfer in the volume of a liquid. The method of calculating the temperature field in a liquid takes into account phase transitions, motion of the bubble wall and heat exchange processes near its surface. The method takes into account the change in the thermophysical characteristics of a liquid when its temperature changes. The results of the research can be used to optimize the various technological processes associated with cavitation, boiling and the formation of gas hydrates.Keywords: thermophysical characteristics of a gas-saturated liquid, gas-vapor bubble, heat transfer in two-phase media, phase transitions S t r e s z c z e n i e Słowa kluczowe: właściwości termofizyczne cieczy nasyconej gazem, pęcherzyki gazu i pary, wymiana ciepła w mediach dwufazowych, przemiany fazowe