Abstract. The use of topological persistence in contemporary data analysis has provided considerable impetus for investigations into the geometric and functional-analytic structure of the space of persistence modules. In this paper, we isolate a coherence criterion which guarantees the extensibility of nonexpansive maps into this space across embeddings of the domain to larger ambient metric spaces. Our coherence criterion is category-theoretic, allowing Kan extensions to provide the desired extensions. Our main construction gives an isometric embedding of a metric space into the metric space of persistence modules with values in the spacetime of this metric space. As a consequence of such "higher interpolation," it becomes possible to compare Vietoris-Rips andČech complexes built within the space of persistence modules. [7,16,22]. The output of this process is a collection of persistent homology groups, which are typically represented via a barcode or a persistence diagram. Recent applications of persistence often confront dynamically evolving data [2,17], and in these cases one requires the ability to make inferences about the dynamics from collections of persistence diagrams. Substantial efforts have been devoted to this end; among the best-known outcomes are vineyards [12], Fréchet means [24], and persistence landscapes [4].In this work, we provide a new geometric lens with which to view the space of persistence diagrams. Our main result is in fact a statement about the space of (sufficiently tame) persistence modules-these consist of vector spaces and linear maps indexed by the real line R, and their representation theory produces persistence diagrams [23]. The class Mod of persistence modules admits an interleaving metric, and the interpolation lemma from [8] establishes that Mod is a path metric space-two modules which are e-interleaved for 0 ≤ e < ∞ can always be connected by a path in Mod of length e. This lemma plays a key role in