“…However, most are phytochemicals (for example, sulforaphane comes from broccoli, resveratrol from grapes, tadehaginoside from Tadehagi triquetrum, curcumin from Curcuma longa plants, piperlongumine from Piper longum, and butein from the Japanese lacquer tree), metabolites and/or nutrients obtained from diet (olive oil included) or dietary supplements (Baeeri et al, 2019;Dinkova-Kostova, Fahey, Kostov, & Kensler, 2017;Dodson et al, 2019;Iranshahy et al, 2018;Nwanodi, 2018;Rigacci & Stefani, 2016;Vega et al, 2016;Wu et al, 2018). To achieve quantifiable therapeutic concentrations in the body, a select few were formulated and channeled through clinical trials for more rigorous evaluation (Ahmed, Luo, Namani, Wang, & Tang, 2017;Al-Sawaf et al, 2015;Cuadrado et al, 2019;Dinkova-Kostova et al, 2018;Dodson et al, 2019;Salehi et al, 2019;Vega et al, 2016). Thus far, the dimethyl ester of fumaric acid is the only one to emerge with approval for clinical use-branded as Fumaderm ® (Germany) in the treatment of psoriasis (Al-Jaderi & Maghazachi, 2016;Al-Sawaf et al, 2015;Cuadrado et al, 2019;Mrowietz et al, 2018;Rizvi et al, 2015) and Tecfidera ® (USA, Europe) for multiple sclerosis (Cuadrado et al, 2019;Dinkova-Kostova et al, 2018;Dodson et al, 2019;Mrowietz et al, 2018;Vega et al, 2016).…”