Purpose: To develop a simplified Chinese version of the DISABKIDS chronic generic module-37 (DCGM-37), and to test the translated measures in children with cancer by employing a cognitive interviewing technique.
Design and Methods:The English version of DCGM-37 was translated forward and backward into simplified Chinese by bilingual translators, following the guidelines from its copyright holders, which also involved a cultural adaptation component.Twelve Chinese children aged 8-18 years and eight parents were cognitively interviewed.
Results:The findings support the relevance, comprehensibility, and efficacy of the Chinese version. Consideration was given, and improvements were made, to the language, cultural concerns, and content, which improved functionality and increased validation. The patients/caregivers understood the instructions, questions, and answer choices. Some revisions, however, were made to address patient/ caregiver feedback obtained through cognitive interviews. Conceptually and semantically, the simplified Chinese version of the DCGM-37 version was identical to the original. Conclusions The simplified Chinese version of the DCGM-37 was semantically and conceptually equivalent to the English version. Chinese children aged 8 to 18 years were able to comprehend this instrument.
Conclusions:The simplified Chinese version of the DCGM-37 was semantically and conceptually equivalent to the English version. Chinese children aged 8 to 18 years were able to comprehend this instrument and express their experiences and feelings about their life.Practice Implications: The simplified Chinese version of the DCGM-37 was translated, and cross-cultural adaptation and validation were performed. Chinese children found the tool easy to use and were able to express their experiences and feelings about their health-related quality of life.