A series of extremely corrosion resistant chromium-metalloid alloys have been investigated. Glassy Cr72P28, Cr87P13, CrToB30, and mixed-phase glassy-nanocrystalline Cr93P7 were fabricated by thin-film processing. These binary alloys exhibit extraordinary corrosion resistance when compared with pure crystalline chromium. In 12M HC1 chromium dissolves rapidly, ca. 1 g/cm~/day, while negligible corrosion of the chromium-metalloid alloys occurred, ca. <10 7 g/cm2/day. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic analysis of the exposed specimens revealed a strong enrichment of phosphate in the passive film and phosphorus at the metal-film interface. The interaction of the redox chemistry of chromium and the metalloids is responsible for the superior corrosion resistance.In 1974 Naka et al.(1) first reported the remarkable corrosion behavior of Fer metallic glasses. Only 8% chromium was necessary to cause spontaneous passivation and these materials showed significantly greater pitting resistance than comparable stainless steel alloys. Since that time the corrosion resistance of a series ofalloys have been assessed (2). These metastable materials are typically single phase without any long-range order and contain 20 atomic percent (a/o) of the glass forming metalloids: boron, carbon, silicon, and/or phosphorus. As in the case of corrosion resistant crystalline alloys, these materials derive their environmental stability from the presence of a protective passive film. For chromium containing glasses, metalloid composition greatly influences corrosion behavior. Phosphorus is the most beneficial metalloid while boron is the least helpful.In the case of simple binary transition metal-metalloid materials positive effects of metalloids on corrosion resistance have not been universally demonstrated. For FesoB20 and FesoP20 (3, 4) the metalloid additions were found to degrade the passive properties of these alloys relative to crystalline iron. In contrast to this, a series of sputter-deposited binary Cr-metalloid alloys (5-8) exhibit superior corrosion resistance compared to chromium.The objective of this investigation was to understand the relationship between chromium and the metalloids in promoting the passivity of these alloys. Consequently, the corrosion behavior of a series of binary chromium-metalloid alloys was examined relative to chromium and other materials of practical interest.Role of alloy structure vs. composition.--In many studies of metallic glass corrosion a great deal of consideration has been given to assessing the role of structure vs. composition in the dissolution of these m~terials (2-5, 7, 9-11). However the influence of solid-state atomic structure on dissolution behavior is difficult to resolve even for simple systems. For example, the dissolution mechanism of crystalline iron is dependent on solid-state defect density (12), while on the other hand studies of glassy and devitrified FesoB20 (3,4,9), Co80B20 (10), and Cu-Zr (11) show that electrochemical behavior is little, if at all, affected by crystal structur...