A novel method for the investigation of the thermodynamic properties of free radicals is described. It involves the establishment of an equilibrium of the form lij I& + olefin where Iil and It, are free radicals, and the measurement of the recombination products of RI and It?. The method is applied to the case where Itl is n-propyl, R, is methyl, and the olefin is ethene, using the thermal decomposition of azomethane (a source of methyl) in the presence of ethene in the temperature range of 581-649°K. Using the best available thermodynamic parameters for methyl, it is concluded that those for n-propyl are in need of adjustment. We recommend the values ~H,"(300"K) = 22.6 f 1 kcal/mol and S",O = 67.4 f 3 cd/mol . K together with either the heat capacity data of O'Neal and Benson or the essentially identical data derivable from the results of Purnell and Qninn.