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Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover 8th edition 1989The use of registered names, trademarks, etc., in this publication does not impLy, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the reLevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
PrefaceThe present voLume describes the alloys and the intermetaLLic compounds of uranium with the main group metaLs -those systems with semimetaLs such as boron and germanium are to be found in corresponding voLumes in uranium C series. In this voLume, main emphasis is given to the binary systems. Ternary systems are onLy deaLt with if there is formation of specific compounds or if there are other important characteristics or reactions. In generaL, the influence of small quantities of a third metaL on a system U-M, e.g., for mechanicaL properties or corrosion effects wiLL not be discussed in order not to extend this voLume excessiveLy.The ternary alloys are described immediateLy after the reLated binary systems. E. g., U-Ga-Ni is found after U-Ga, unLess a pLace after U-Ni couLd be imaginabLe from more systematic reasons (system of the Last position). The preferred order is aLso indicated in the sequence of eLement symboLs within the formuLas of compounds and systems: The compounds/systems reLated to U -AL are written as U -AL -M, etc.The behavior of uranium metaL towards the main group metaLs can be divided into two groups:Practically no soLubility in each other and no compound formation. This is the case for the aLkali and aLkaLine earth systems (except beryllium).OccasionaL formation of severaL compounds with Limited or extensive solid soLubility. This is observed for beryllium and the metaLs of third and fourth main group.The most frequently investigated systems are uranium -beryllium and uranium -aLuminium because of their speciaL scientific (U-Be) and technoLogicaL (U-AL) importance. UBe13, the onLy compound in the binary U -Be system, is one of the very few heavy-fermion compounds. Therefore, its physicaL properties especially were extensiveLy and thoroughLy studied in recent years. This GmeLin voLume gives a compLete and very detailed description of this compound, and at the time of publication, the most updated one.On the other hand, cermets and alloys in the U-AL system are very important as fueL, especially for the high-neutron-fLux nucLear research reactors. This fueL is mainLy based on 235U-enriched uranium on the aLuminium-rich side of the U -AL system, e. g., as UAL 4 ...