. Can. J. Chem. 55,3951 (1977).The thermal decarbonylation of 2,2-dimethyl-3-butenal is shown to be an intramolecular extrusion of carbon monoxide concerted with the transfer of hydrogen (deuterium) to the y-position. The reaction displays a kinetic isotope effect of 2.8 (at 296.9"C) and follows first order kinetics (E, = 44.2 L-0.2 kcal mol-l, log A = 13.4 k 0.3).ROBERT J. CRAWFORD, STUART LUTENER et HIROKAZU TOKUNAGA. Can. J. Chem. 55,3951 (1977).On dkmontre que la dkcarbonylation thermique du dimkthyl-2,2 buttne-3 a1 est une extrusion intramoltculaire de monoxyde de carbone concertke avec un transfert d'hydrogkne (deutkrium) vers la position y. La rtaction prtsente un effet isotopique cinttique de 2.8 (a 296.9"C) et suit une cinktique du premier ordre (E, = 44.2 + 0.2 kcal mol-', log A = 13.4 + 0.3).[Traduit par le journal]
IntroductionRecently we examined the thermolysis of 2-vinyloxirane (1) and concluded that one of the initial products was 3-butenal which, depending upon the surface of the vessel, was tautomerized to E-or 2-2-butenal or produced propylene and carbon monoxide. Traces of oxygen brought about a catalytic reaction and large amounts of CO and propylene were produced, but even after the most careful conditioning propylene and CO were present. We suggested that the decarbonylation of 3-butenal was both radical catalyzed and under oxygen free conditions proceeding via an intramolecular mechanism. To study this more thoroughly we have examined the thermolysis of the non-enolizable 2,2-dimethyl-3-butenal (1). There are few instances of decarbonylation of P,y-unsaturated aldehydes. The most thoroughly studied is the work of Schaffner (2) where the singlet photosensitized decarbonylation of R-(+)-laurolenal (2) to S-(-)-1,2,3-trimethylcyclopentene (3) is observed.