The collagen triple helix is probably the most abundant protein motif in the human body. It comprises three left-handed polyproline II-like helices with a Gly-Xaa-Yaa repeat. These form a right-handed super helix with a one-residue stagger [1,2]. The collagen triple helix has many unique properties. One of them is the requirement for many post-translational modifications to produce the final tissue form of the molecule [3]. In vertebrate collagens, most of the Pro residues in the Yaa position of the -Gly-Xaa-Yaarepeat sequence are nearly completely 4-hydroxylated to 4(R)-hydroxyproline [4(R)Hyp] by the enzyme prolyl 4-hydroxylase (EC This modification in the Yaa position is strongly related to the stability of the collagen triple helix. Prolyl 4-hydroxylation also occurs in the Xaa position in invertebrates. In addition to prolyl 4(R)-hydroxylation, a small numbers of proline residues are modified to 3(S)-hydroxyproline [3(S)Hyp] [4,5] in many types of vertebrate collagens, such as types I, II, III, IV, V and X. Invertebrate collagens also contain 3(S)Hyp, for example interstitial and cuticle collagens of annelids [6], crab sub-cuticular In order to evaluate the role of 3(S)-hydroxyproline [3(S)-Hyp] in the triple-helical structure, we produced a series of model peptides with nine tripeptide units including 0-9 3(S)-hydroxyproline residues. The sequences are H-(Gly-Pro-4(R)Hyp) l -(Gly-3(S)Hyp-4(R)Hyp) m -(Gly-Pro-4(R)Hyp) n -OH, where (l, m, n) = (9, 0, 0), (4, 1, 4), (3, 2, 4), (3,3,3), (1, 7, 1) and (0, 9, 0). All peptides showed triple-helical CD spectra at room temperature and thermal transition curves. Sedimentation equilibrium analysis showed that peptide H-(Gly-3(S)Hyp-4(R)Hyp) 9 -OH is a trimer. Differential scanning calorimetry showed that replacement of Pro residues with 3(S)Hyp residues decreased the transition enthalpy, and the transition temperature increases by 4.5°C from 52.0°C for the peptide with no 3(S)Hyp residues to 56.5°C for the peptide with nine 3(S)Hyp residues. The refolding kinetics of peptides H-(Gly-3(S)Hyp-4(R)Hyp) 9 -OH, H-(Gly-Pro-4(R)Hyp) 9 -OH and H-(Gly-4(R)Hyp-4(R)Hyp) 9 -OH were compared, and the apparent reaction orders of refolding at 10°C were n = 1.5, 1.3 and 1.2, respectively. Replacement of Pro with 3(S)Hyp or 4(R)Hyp has little effect on the refolding kinetics. This result suggests that the refolding kinetics of collagen model peptides are influenced mainly by the residue in the Yaa position of the -Gly-Xaa-Yaa-repeated sequence. The experiments indicate that replacement of a Pro residue by a 3(S)Hyp residue in the Xaa position of the -Gly-Xaa-4(R)Hyp-repeat of collagen model peptides increases the stability, mainly due to entropic factors.Abbreviations CRTAP, cartilage-associated protein; DSC, differential scanning calorimetry; Hyp, hydroxyproline; P3H1, prolyl 3-hydroxylase 1.