Random copolymers of ethylene and propylene, butene-1 and hexene-I were characterised by measurements of heat capacity in the temperature interval 140-480 K and specific volume of the melt in the temperature interval 330--490 K and in the range of pressures 27.8-100 MPa. Analysis of the composition dependences, of the degree of crystallinity, melting and glass transition temperatures, as well as of thermodynamic and thermophysieal properties of the melt led to the conclusion about the microbloek structure of macromolecules of all series at molar ethylene content F1 > 0.8. In this range of compositions the properties of eopolymers in the melt seem to be independent of the chemical nature of a eomonomer, contrary to the solid state where at identical molar compositions, the degree of crystallinity diminishes and the melting temperature decreases, as the molecular structure of the comonomer becomes more complex. This effect becomes weaker as F1 decreases, so that in the composition range F1 < 0.8 the properties of eopolymers of all series are additive.