The stability of the N-terminal domain of the ribosomal protein L9, NTL9, from Baccilus stearothermophilus has been monitored by circular dichroism at various temperatures and chemical denaturant concentrations in H 2 0 and D20. The basic thermodynamic parameters for the unfolding reaction, AH", AS", and AC;, were determined by global analysis of temperature and denaturant effects on stability. The data were well fit by a model that assumes stability varies linearly with denaturant concentration and that uses the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation to model changes in stability with temperature. The results obtained from the global analysis are consistent with information obtained from individual thermal and chemical denaturations. NTL9 has a maximum stability of 3.78 t 0.25 kcal mol-' at 14 "C. AH'(25 "C) for protein unfolding equals 9.9 f 0.7 kcal mol" and TAS'(25 "C) equals 6.2 f 0.6 kcal mol". AC,equals 0.53 k 0.06 kcal mol" deg". There is a small increase in stability when D20 is substituted for H20. Based on the results from global analysis, NTL9 is 1.06 k 0.60 kcal mol" more stable in D20 at 25 "C and T,,, is increased by 5.8 k 3.6"C in D20. Based on the results from individual denaturation experiments, NTL9 is 0.68 & 0.68 kcal mol" more stable in D 2 0 at 25 "C and T, is increased by 3.5 f 2.1 "C in D20. Within experimental error there are no changes in AH" (25 "C) when D20 is substituted for H20.
Keywords: L9; protein denaturation; protein thermodynamics; solvent isotope effects; thermophilic proteinsIf the basic thermodynamic parameters for a protein unfolding reaction, AH", ASo, and AC;, are known then it is possible to determine the stability of the protein at any given temperature. Typically either calorimetry or a van? Hoff analysis is used to determine AH" from which AS" can be calculated if the protein stability is known at the appropriate temperature. Calorimetry can also be used to determine the heat capacity of the folded and unfolded states and therefore the change in heat capacity. Accurate determination of the change in heat capacity by a van? Hoff analysis can be difficult because it is often possible to directly measure stabilities over only a narrow range near the proteins T,. To determine the change in heat capacity it is necessary to know how AH"( T ) or AGO( T ) change over a wide range of temperatures. One approach is to use denaturants to expand the range of temperatures Reprint requests to: