We study the Cauchy problem for the semilinear structural damped wave equation with source term
uttMathClass-bin−MathClass-rel△uMathClass-bin+μ(MathClass-bin−Δ)σutMathClass-rel=f(u)MathClass-punc,1emquadu(0MathClass-punc,x)MathClass-rel=u0(x)MathClass-punc,1emquadut(0MathClass-punc,x)MathClass-rel=u1(x)MathClass-punc,with σ ∈ (0,1] in space dimension n ≥ 2 and with a positive constant μ. We are interested in the influence of σ on the critical exponent pcrit in | f(u) | ≈ | u | p. This critical exponent is the threshold between global existence in time of small data solutions and blow‐up behavior for some suitable range of p. Our results are optimal for σ = 1 ∕ 2. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.