ABSTRACT:To evaluate obstetric predictors of umbilical cord plasma AVP levels, serum TSH levels and the timing of first voiding, 87 singleton term newborns were divided into three groups: group A, vaginal delivery (n ϭ 30); group B, cesarean section (CS) during labor (n ϭ 26); and group C, elective CS (n ϭ 31). The AVP concentration was 120 (0.7-2170) D elay of neonates' first voiding beyond 24 h often attracts special attention from the nursing staff and causes parental anxiety. It has previously been concluded that micturition delayed over 24 h is usually a benign phenomenon and maturation of the infant, duration of labor, and use of paracervical block predict this in healthy neonates (1). However, the factors affecting the timing of the newborn infant's first voiding remain unclear.AVP is a peptide hormone released into the circulation from the neurohypophysis. At low physiologic blood concentrations, AVP induces mainly antidiuretic effects, and at high blood concentrations, e.g. in shock states, AVP has a powerful vasoconstrictive effect, although its importance in healthy states is minor. When the body is low on water, AVP causes the kidneys to conserve water by concentrating the urine and reducing urine volume.After normal vaginal delivery, the umbilical cord plasma AVP concentrations of newborns are higher than after CS (2-5). The precise reasons for and role of high AVP concentrations in response to labor and birth remain elusive, and currently there are no adequate explanations for the phenomenon. Intrauterine stress, hypoxia, or possibly asphyxia may induce AVP secretion by an unknown mechanism (2,6,7). There are also indications that cranial mechanical compression in the birth canal might constitute a reason (2). AVP is probably an essential factor in neonatal adaptation to living in the extrauterine environment. It induces a redistribution of fetal blood flow from peripheral areas to vital organs (8).Another hypophyseal peptide hormone, TSH or thyroidstimulating hormone, is measured from the umbilical cord serum at birth as a routine screening for congenital hypothyroidism in every newborn in Finland (9). Fetal stress and hypoxia evidently increase the umbilical TSH concentration (10 -13). As with AVP, the mode of delivery and various unfavorable antepartum conditions appear to increase the umbilical blood TSH level at birth. Again, the precise mechanism and purpose of an increased umbilical TSH concentration in response to stress remain unclear.In the present study, we sought to test the hypothesis that high fetal AVP concentrations and delayed voiding are linked with stressful birth. We hypothesized that high fetal AVP concentrations are associated with later voiding in newborn infants. To the best of our knowledge, this has not previously been studied. Because of the routine screening of TSH, we decided to also add this factor to our analysis. Our hypothesis was that the changes in TSH levels and AVP levels behave in a similar way, both being associated with the mode of delivery and with a stres...