referred to throughout as 'the SE Regulation'. Further information on those European Acts can be found in the precedent speech of Mrs. Lenoir. 3 Directive 2001/86/EC, OJ L 294/22, 10.11.2001, referred to throughout as 'the SE Directive'. 4 Winding-up, liquidation, insolvency and suspension of payment and the taxation of corporations are to a large measure governed by national law. Besides, important issues of governance and minority and creditors' rights are governed by national law: Procedure of the review of the exchange-ratio in a formation of an SE (Sec. 6, 11 SEAG) and appraisal-right (Sec. 9 SEAG), other forms of protection of minority and creditors rights in a merger (Sec. 7, 8 SEAG), certain (pre-)registration formalities (Sec. 10(2) SEAG of the German Transformation Act) and see Wicke, MitBayNot 2006, 196, 203 et seq. for the application of national law in a general meeting. 5 See for all precedent data: J. Schmidt, '"Going European" -Die Europäische Aktiengesellschaft (SE) als attraktive Rechtsformalternative', in W. Bayer (ed.), Die Aktiengesellschaft im Spiegel der Rechtstatsachenforschung, 2007, pp. 51, 56 et seq.