The Mexican experience in how the settlement of large payments is performed in the presence of a high volume of small payments Working Papers, Banco de México, No. 2012-17 Provided in Cooperation with: Bank of Mexico, Mexico City Suggested Citation: Alexandrova-Kabadjova, Biliana; Solís-Robleda, Francisco (2012) : The Mexican experience in how the settlement of large payments is performed in the presence of a high volume of small payments, Working Papers, Banco de México, No. 2012-17 Abstract: Payment systems play a key role in the financial infrastructure of all modern economies. Participants of payment systems need access to intraday liquidity to fulfill their payment obligations. They do that either using their own funds, which are costly, or recycling incoming payment. In order to rely on incoming payments, banks could delay the settlement of their own payment obligations. From the regulators' point of view it is important to know to what degree participants rely on the payments they receive from others. In Mexico, this is among the first studies that analyze from this perspective the intraday liquidity management of the Real Time Settlement Payment System, SPEI. We examine a data set of transactions from April 7 to May 7, 2010 in order to get insights of the participants' behavior regarding the delay of sending payment orders. Keywords: Payment systems, intraday liquidity management, simulation. JEL Classification: C63, G20, G28.Resumen: Los sistemas de pago juegan un papel clave en la infraestructura financiera de todas las economías modernas. Los participantes de los sistemas de pago necesitan tener acceso a la liquidez intradía para cumplir con sus obligaciones de pago. Ellos realizan esto, ya sea con fondos propios, que son costosos, o reciclando pagos entrantes. Con el fin de reutilizar los pagos entrantes, los bancos podrían retrasar el envío de sus propias obligaciones de pago. Desde el punto de vista de los reguladores es importante saber hasta qué grado los participantes reutilizan pagos recibido de los demás. En México, este es uno de los primeros estudios que analizan desde esta perspectiva la gestión de la liquidez intradía realizada en el Sistema de Pagos de Liquidación en Tiempo Real, SPEI. Examinamos un conjunto de transacciones de 7 abril al 7 mayo 2010 con el fin de obtener una perspectiva del comportamiento de los participantes en términos de la demora del envío deórdenes de pago. Palabras Clave: Sistemas de pago, gestión de liquidez intradía, simulación.