“…Let X and Y be both topological spaces. Suppose that F : X 2 y is a set-valued mapping with non-empty compact values such that (1) for each x,y E X, there exists a continuous mapping u~,y : [0,1] ---* X with ux,v(0)= x, ux,y(1)= y and F((ux,y(t)) C F(ux,y(ti)) U F(ux,v(t2)) for each t E [tl,t2] C [0,1] (resp., the set {x E X: F(z) C F(x) U F(y)} is connected); (2) for each A • ~(X), if the set N~:eAF(x) is non-empty, then NxeAF(x) is connected; (3) for each y • Y, the set F-X(y) = { x • X: y E F(x)} is closed (resp.,…”