Abstract. Let Af be a compact C°° manifold. A theorem of Nash-Tognoli asserts that M has an algebraic model, that is, M is diffeomorphic to a nonsingular real algebraic set X . Let FV^AfX, Z/2) denote the subgroup of Hk(X, Z/2) of the cohomology classes determined by algebraic cycles of codimension k on X . Assuming that M is connected, orientable and dim M > 5 , we prove in this paper that a subgroup G of H2(M, Z/2) is isomorphic to H^ (X, Z/2) for some algebraic model X of M if and only if w2(TM) is in G and each element of G is of the form W2K) for some real vector bundle £ over M , where w2 stands for the second Stiefel-Whitney class. A result of this type was previously known for subgroups G of HX(M, Z/2).