A multiple-interval representation of a simple graph G assigns each vertexau nion of disjoint real intervals, such that vertices are adjacent if and only if their assigned sets intersect. The total interval number I (G)i st he minimum of the total number of intervals used in anys uch representation of G. Fort riangle-free graphs, I (G) = m + t(G), where m is the number of edges in G and t(G)i st he minimum number of pairwise edge-disjoint trails such that every edge of G has an endpoint in at least one of the trails. This yields the NP-completeness of testing I (G) = m + 1, evenfor triangle-free 3-regular planar graphs, and an alternative proof that HAMILTONIAN CYCLE is NP-complete for line graphs. It also yields a linear-time algorithm to compute I (G)f or trees and a characterization of the trees requiring m + t intervals, for fixed t.F urther corollaries include the Aigner/Andreae bound of I (G) ≤(5n − 3)/4 for n-vertextrees (achievedbysubdividing every edge of a star), a characterization of the extremal trees, and a shorter proof of the extremal bound (5m + 2)/4 for connected graphs.