Showering produces respirable droplets that may serve to deposit pollutants such as trihalomethane decontamination products, heavy metals, inorganic salts, microbes, or cyanoacterial toxins within the respiratory tract. The extent and importance of this route of indoor exposure depend on the physical characteristics of the aerosol as well as the pollutant profile of the source water. The purpose of this study was to characterize shower-generated aerosols as a function of water flow rate, temperature, and bathroom location. Aerosols were generated within a shower stall containing a mannequin to simulate the presence of a human. Using hot water, the mass median diameter (MMD) of the droplets inside the shower and in the bathroom were 6.3-7.5 um and 5.2-6 µm, respectively. Size was independent of water flow rate. The particle concentration inside the shower ranged from 5 to 14 mg/m 3 . Aerosols generated using cold water were smaller (2.5-3.1 µm) and concentrations were lower (0.02-0.1 mg/m 3 ) inside the shower stall. No aerosols were detected in the bathroom area when cold water was used. The International Commission on Radiological Protection model was used to estimate water deposition in the respiratory tract. For hot water, total deposition ranged from 11 to 14 mg, depending on water flow rate, with approximately 50% of this deposited in the extrathoracic region during assumed mouth breathing, and greater than 86% when nose breathing was assumed. Alveolar deposition was 6-10% and 0.9% assuming oral and nasal breathing, respectively. The consequences deposition of shower water droplets will depend on the nature and extent of any pollutants in the source water.One potential source of human exposure to environmental pollutants is through chemically contaminated domestic tap water. The most obvious route of exposure to contaminants is by ingestion; however, dermal and inhalation exposure may also occur within the home. Several studies have shown that showering increases the likelihood that an organic compound will be volatilized, resulting in human exposure beyond that occurring from ingestion (Backer et al., 2000; Giardino & Hagman, 1996;Kerger et al., 2000;Moya et al., 1999;Prichard & Gesell, 1981). For example, in one study, the blood levels of trihalomethane were highest among individuals showering for 10 min, intermediate for individuals bathing for 10 min, and lowest among those who drank 1 L water from the same source over a 10-min period (Backer et al., 2000). These results support the hypothesis that showering is an important route of exposure for trihalomethanes, and possibly other volatile contaminants in tap water.
Copyright © Informa HealthcareAddress correspondence to Yue Zhou, 2425 Ridgecrest Dr. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108, USA. Publisher's Disclaimer: Full terms and conditions of use: This article maybe used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribut...