The effect of four avermectins on the population growth of pest mite Lepidoglyphus destructor was tested in laboratory experiments. The avermectins (abamectin, doramectin, emamectin-benzoate and ivermectin) of analytical purity were incorporated into an experimental diet at the same molar concentrations, ranging from 0.16 to 8 nmol/3 g of diet. Using an initial population of 50 mites, the population growth was recorded after 21 days at 85 % relative humidity and 25 °C; 12 repeats were performed per avermectin concentration and control. The diets containing the avermectins successfully suppressed the population growth of L. destructor. The EC(50) recalculated to ng of substance per g of diet showed different suppressive effects of the avermectins: doramectin (181 ng/g diet), abamectin (299 ng/g diet), emamectin-benzoate (812 ng/g diet) and ivermectin (992 ng/g diet). Of the tested avermectins, abamectin is registered for the control of phytophagous mites and ivermectin against parasitic mites, i.e., Psoroptes ovis. Although emamectin-benzoate and ivermectin were less effective on L. destructor, all of the tested avermectins are highly suitable compounds for the control of synanthropic mites.