ScARP from the bacterium Streptomyces coelicolor belongs to the pierisin family of DNA-targeting ADP-ribosyltransferases (ARTs). These enzymes ADP-ribosylate the N 2 amino groups of guanine residues in DNA to yield N 2 -(ADP-ribos-1-yl)-2'-deoxyguanosine. Although the structures of pierisin-1 and Scabin were revealed recently, the substrate recognition mechanisms remain poorly understood because of the lack of a substrate-binding structure. Here, we report the apo structure of ScARP and of ScARP bound to NADH and its GDP substrate at 1.50 and 1.57 Å resolutions, respectively. The bound structure revealed that the guanine of GDP is trapped between N-ribose of NADH and Trp159. Interestingly, N 2 and N 3 of guanine formed hydrogen bonds with the OE1 and NE2 atoms of Gln162, respectively. We directly observed that the ADP-ribosylating toxin turn-turn (ARTT)-loop including Trp159 and Gln162 plays a key role in the specificity of DNA-targeting guanine-specific ART as well as protein-targeting ARTs such as C3 exoenzyme. We propose that the ARTT-loop recognition is a common substrate recognition mechanism in the pierisin family. Furthermore, this complex structure sheds light on similarities and differences among two subclasses that are distinguished by conserved structural motifs: H-Y-E in the ARTD subfamily and R-S-E in the ARTC subfamily. The spatial arrangements of the electrophile and nucleophile were the same, providing the first evidence for a common reaction mechanism in these ARTs. ARTC (including ScARP) uses the ARTT-loop for substrate recognition, whereas ARTD (represented by Arr) uses the C-terminal helix instead of the ARTT-loop. These observations could help inform efforts to improve ART inhibitors.
ADP-ribosylationis an important post-translational modification observed in all living organisms. Many bacterial mono-ADP-ribosyltransferases (ARTs) are known to attach the ADP-ribosyl moiety to specific target proteins and residues (1,2). The cholera toxin ADP-ribosylates arginine residues in G proteins (3), whereas the pertussis toxin ADP-ribosylates a cysteine residue (4). Diphtheria toxin and Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin ADP-ribosylate diphthamide, a modified histidine in elongation factor 2 (5,6). Furthermore, Clostridium botulinum C3 exoenzyme ADP-ribosylates Asn41 of RhoA (7,8) and Clostridium perfringens Iota toxin A subunit (Ia) ADP-ribosylates Arg177 of actin (9,10 ARTs fall into two major subclasses that are distinguished by conserved structural motifs: H-Y-E in the ARTD subfamily (related to Diphtheria toxin) and R-S-E in the ARTC subfamily (related to cholera toxin and clostridial toxins (C3 and Ia)). Traditionally, ADP-ribosylation has been considered a protein modification. However, emerging evidence suggests that DNA ADP-ribosylation is also common. The first DNA-targeting ART was found in pierid butterflies and was thus named pierisin (11,12). Pierisin ADP-ribosylates calf thymus DNA containing dG-dC and N 2 amino group of the guanine residue in DNA to yield N 2 -(ADP-ribos-1-yl)...